Kennet Granholm

Kennet Granholm is Assistant Professor in History of Religions at Stockholm University and Docent in Comparative Religion at Åbo Akademi University. In the lecture year 20012-2013 he is working as a researcher in the Åbo Akademi centre of excellence research project PCCR (Post-Secular Culture and a Changing Religious Atmosphere in Finland). In his research he has focused on “dark esotericism”, with publications on Left-Hand Path groups such as Dragon Rouge, the Temple of Set, and the Rune-Gild. Currently he is interested in the study of contemporary esotericism more broadly, in particular with the impact of late modern societal change, the development of new methodological and theoretical approaches and perspectives, and the exploration of new and “alternative” arenas for the esoteric, including popular culture. He is the author of Embracing the Dark: The Magic Order of Dragon Rouge – Its Practice in Dark Magic and Meaning Making, co-editor (with Egil Asprem) of Contemporary Esotericism, and has written numerous articles and book chapters on the esoteric and new religiosity, popular culture, and theory and method. For more information on what Kennet is up to, check out his personal website.

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